STISD Science Academy September 2024 Newsletter


Summer Reading 2024-2025
2024 Java and Cybersecurity Certificate Recipients


Congratulations BPA National Competitors

Business Professionals of America (BPA) held its National Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL from May 9th - 14th.  Thirteen of our students participated in this prestigious event.  A total of 4,948 Students competed against other students from all over the US, and a few other countries, including Canada, China, and South Korea. 

STISD Science Academy students were able to take advantage of the several opportunities given during the conference.

A total of 30 professional certifications (Certiport/YouScience) were awarded to seven participating students. See the results below:

Certification Opportunities

Alessandra Diaz, 1 certification

Stefan Sy, 3 certifications

Paula Mego, 4 certifications

Musub Ahmad, 5 certifications

Vishal Veeramachaneni, 5 certifications

Aayush Mitra, 6 certifications

David Salinas, 6 certifications

In addition to these certifications, the following students placed in their respective event(s):

Event Competition Results:

Ana-Laura Tamez - 2nd in Advanced Interview Skills

Aayush Mitra - FINALIST in Computer Programming Concepts

Alessandra Diaz - 2nd in Fundamental Word Processing

Musub Ahmad, Omar Reyes, Stefan Sy, Vishal Veeramachaneni - 3rd in Financial Analyst Team

David Hovey - Finalist in Fundamental Accounting

Paula Mego, Carlos Gracia, Rosa Aburto - Finalists in Visual Design Team


Congratulations BPA National Competitors

Business Professionals of America (BPA) held its National Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL from May 9th - 14th.  Thirteen of our students participated in this prestigious event.  A total of 4,948 Students competed against other students from all over the US, and a few other countries, including Canada, China, and South Korea. 

STISD Science Academy students were able to take advantage of the several opportunities given during the conference.

A total of 30 professional certifications (Certiport/YouScience) were awarded to seven participating students. See the results below:

Certification Opportunities

Alessandra Diaz, 1 certification

Stefan Sy, 3 certifications

Paula Mego, 4 certifications

Musub Ahmad, 5 certifications

Vishal Veeramachaneni, 5 certifications

Aayush Mitra, 6 certifications

David Salinas, 6 certifications

In addition to these certifications, the following students placed in their respective event(s):

Event Competition Results:

Ana-Laura Tamez - 2nd in Advanced Interview Skills

Aayush Mitra - FINALIST in Computer Programming Concepts

Alessandra Diaz - 2nd in Fundamental Word Processing

Musub Ahmad, Omar Reyes, Stefan Sy, Vishal Veeramachaneni - 3rd in Financial Analyst Team

David Hovey - Finalist in Fundamental Accounting

Paula Mego, Carlos Gracia, Rosa Aburto - Finalists in Visual Design Team